Hustler is a CLI based productivity management application that builds on a simple todo list to add features like different task types: events, deadlines, recurring tasks and tags for storing your tasks and assignments in an organized manner as well as features to assist in completing tasks efficiently like adding a timer and a recommended schedule for when you start working. Lastly, it also motivates you to finish tasks by adding a gamified experience in the form of avatars, levels, points, a shop where you can buy equipments for your avatar and an achievements section. One’s avatar grows with one’s productivity creating an incentive to work harder.
Release | Repo | User Guide
I was the project lead of this application and designed the architecture, organized sprints, worked on the task completion feature and successfully merged 43 commits of my own. I also reviewed and merged PRs from other members of the core dev team and supervised and contributed to the user and developer guide for this project.